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Our FDA-validated liquid biopsy service for patients with solid tumours.1,2

Liquid CDx:
A next-generation
liquid biopsy test

FoundationOne® Liquid CDx is a complementary comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) service for patients with solid tumours.1,2 FoundationOne® Liquid CDx provides an alternative biopsy service for patients that are not suitable candidates for CGP with FoundationOne® CDx.1,2 Liquid biopsy may provide an opportunity to perform non-invasive, blood-based genomic profiling when:

  • Insufficient or inadequate tissue from a recent biopsy is obtained
  • The tumour is “difficult to reach”
  • Biopsy poses an unacceptable risk to the patient or is contraindicated
  • Progression or recurrence are suspected, repeat biopsy is infeasible or intratumour heterogeneity is suspected4

FoundationOne® Liquid CDx allows for a comprehensive blood-based genomic profiling approach to help support treatment decisions for patients with solid tumours

D e t e c t s t h e f o u r m a i n c l a s s e s o f g e n o m i c a l t e r a t i o n s i n 3 2 4 g e n e s i n c l u d i n g m i c r o s a t e l l i t e i n s t a b i l i t y ( M S I ) a n d b l o o d t u m o u r m u t a t i o n a l b u r d e n ( b T M B ) . A l s o r e p o r t s t u m o u r f r a c t i o n ( T F ) . Liquid 4 7
Clinical uses

Identifies actionable results using peripheral blood from a single draw*5

FoundationOne® Liquid CDx extends the benefits of CGP to additional clinical situations with a single blood draw.5* Liquid biopsies are a non-invasive tool for biomarker testing, which may compliment the use of invasive solid tumour biopsies (associated with complications and increased morbidity). As liquid biopsies can be scheduled more frequently during treatment, measurements of tumour burden and early evidence of recurrence or resistance can be identified across several time points.In cancer patients, the levels of ctDNA can vary in different phases of the disease. Appropriate selection of the type of ctDNA assays to address specific scientific and clinical questions is necessary.3 Liquid biopsy may also better reflect the genetic profile of an individual tumour as it provides a full snapshot of information, unlike tissue biopsies which only reflect the specific area of the tumour biopsied.3
D i s e a s e p r o g r e s s i o n s u s p e c t e d T r e a t m e n t d r a w L i q u i d b i o p s y T i s s u e b i o p s y f e a s i b l e S o l i d t u m o u r p a t i e n t Single blood HEME
Genes and biomarkers

Analyses 324 genes and reports MSI-high and bTMB status

FoundationOne® Liquid CDx detects the four main classes of genomic alterations in 324 genes including MSI-high and bTMB. Also reports tumour fraction in a single test.1
MSI-HIGH bTMB and TF Base s u b s t i t u t i o n s Insertions and deletions C o p y n u m b e r a l t e r a t i o n s R e a r r a n g e m e n t s A n a l y s e s 3 2 4 k n o w n c a n c e r - r e l e v a n t genes


Examines circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA)

When people have cancer, their blood contains circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) released from both healthy tissue and tumour tissue (ctDNA).3 ctDNA is highly fragmented, occurs in very low amounts and varies between tumour type and individual patients.9,10 FoundationOne® Liquid CDx utilises ctDNA extraction to accurately identify unique ctDNA fragments from a single blood draw.*1,2,5
Circulating cells release genomic DNA when broken down Blood contains circulating cfDNA released from healthy tissue and tumour tissue (ctDNA) 5 Cell death Secretion Release ctDNA Cell death Release cfDNA ( M a i n s o u r c e o f c e l l - f r e e D N A) HEALTHY TISSUE TUMOUR TISSUE
In-depth report

Supports clinical decision-making

A clear, in-depth report provides insights on your patient’s genomic profile as well as associated targeted EMA-approved therapies, immunotherapies and relevant clinical trials, approved by the FDA.1,7


Order FoundationOne® Liquid CDx

Ordering a FoundationOne® Liquid CDx test is simple and convenient

For more information about the ordering process, contact Roche Foundation Medicine Customer Care:

Freephone: 0800 731 5711

Email: uk.foundation@roche.com

For technical and scientific enquiries related to the Foundation Medicine service, please contact Medical Information:

Freephone: 0800 328 1629

Email: medinfo.uk@roche.com

Experience how FoundationOne® Liquid CDx could guide treatment decision-making with samples from a single blood draw:

*Two tubes of whole peripheral blood are required (8.5 mL per tube) per patient.5

†Base substitutions, insertions and deletions, copy number alterations and gene rearrangements.

 bTMB: blood tumour mutational burden; cfDNA: cell-free DNA; CGP: comprehensive genomic profiling; ctDNA: circulating tumour DNA; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; MSI: microsatellite instability;  NCCN: National Comprehensive Cancer Network; VAF%: variant allele frequency percentage

M-GB-00014267 October 2023


  1. FoundationOne® Liquid CDx Technical Specifications.
  2. Woodhouse R, et al. PLoS One. 2020;15:e0237802.
  3. Pascual J, et al. Annals of Onc. 2022; 33(8):p750-768
  4. Gerlinger M, et al. N Engl J Med. 2012;366:833–892.
  5. FoundationOne® Liquid CDx Specimen Instructions.
  6. FoundationCore®. FoundationInsightsTM. Available at https://www.foundationmedicine.com/service/genomic-data-solutions.
  7. Food and Drug Administration. FDA approves liquid biopsy NGS companion diagnostic test for multiple cancers and biomarkers. Available at: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/resources-information-approved-drugs/fda-approves-liquid-biopsy-ngs-companion-diagnostic-test-multiple-cancers-and-biomarkers
  8. Di Meo A, et al. Mol Cancer. 2017;16:80.
  9. Elazezy M, Joosse SA. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2018;16:370–378.
  10. Merker JD, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2018;36:1631–1641.